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50%+ of crypto investors

would trust their bank more for crypto trading.

1 in 5 investors

casual investors have already invested in crypto.

42% of non-investors

plan to invest into crypto assets in the near future.

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Global Banking & Innovation Forum

🗓 April 25-26, 2024


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European Blockchain Convention

🗓 September 25-26, 2024


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Banking CEE Expo

🗓 November 7-8, 2024


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Read all the news about Bitpanda Technology Solutions


Discover how retail investors are eagerly seeking digital asset investment services from their banks, as revealed in our comprehensive analysis on cryptocurrency attitudes. Learn why integrating crypto & digital asset solutions into your product offerings is essential to meeting this growing demand.


Explore the transformative landscape of retail banking in this study, revealing how digital advancements, regulatory challenges, and evolving customer expectations are reshaping the industry. Gain strategic insights into navigating these shifts and securing a competitive edge in the banking sector of tomorrow.


Dive into the dynamic world of Web3 and crypto in France and across Europe with this comprehensive 2024 study. Discover how growing awareness, evolving investor profiles, and regulatory advancements are shaping the future of the sector. Uncover opportunities as we navigate the continued adoption and expansion of this transformative digital landscape.

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